Writing: A Mental Therapy

Writing: A Mental Therapy

 Did you ever know that writing is compelling and how it has a significant impact on being able to change one’s own life? Take a look at J. K. Rowling, the author of the popular teen fantasy book series Harry Potter, as one of the best examples whose life has changed a hundred and eighty degrees because of writing. Writing, an art we can do almost anywhere and anytime is not as simple as we think. Who would have thought it would turn out to give a lot of people a lot of miracles?
My lecturer once explained how essential writing is, and he described many reasons why we should write as it gives us several edges. One of the positive facets of writing is that it could be a mental therapy for many, which is what we will explore in this article


Writing: A Mental Therapy

A girl writing her thoughts image. Copyright free images
Image by storyset on Freepik

Many psychological research articles have explained that an individual can use their writing ability to cope with stress, anxiety, trauma, or any other psychological issues they have been through effectively. Writing is indeed helpful to support oneself with their mental issues since it can encourage them to express their feeling and relax their minds. Here are some facts and benefits of writing as a cognitive mental therapy:

1. Writing to release emotion and stress

Many fortes in this life, including love relationships, career and passion, financial concerns, etc., can spotlight you and make you experience hostile emotions such as anger, sadness, and disappointment. The worst is when you face such difficult conditions, and you cannot express those negative feelings for some reason, especially when nobody is willing to hear and understand what you feel. Why not give it a shot to script your emotions? Put all your negative emotions and feelings into your hands and pour them into words on your white paper or screen. This may ease you a little, help you release your pain and make you pursue peace.

2. Make yourself happy through Writing

Every creature on this planet, including you and me, of course, wants to be happy, right? Would you want to relive your happy moments in life? You may write about your cloud nine moments and merry adventures that you went on a ride. By reminiscing those happy occasions you have enclosed before, it will be able to improve your mood and make you merrier and healthier mentally.

3. Writing is self-care

In addition to bringing happiness, it turns out that writing is a simple form of self-care as well, which is hardly noticed by most people. In fact, spending a little time in the midst of your hectic day by sharing your thoughts and feelings through writing is self-care because that is when you're bringing yourself together. Self-care is not only undertaking expensive body treatments or having to go to certain vacations for reasons of calming down your nerves but also sitting down in your comfort zone and start writing to share what you feel with yourself with a voice that can question your soul and answer back to yourself with words of self-realization. 

What shall I write?

Explicit expressive writing is not only limited to one type of writing, for example, writing a diary or a journal. There are several types and styles of writing that could be suitable for you to explore and your choice selection.

  1. Short stories
  2. Poetry
  3. Simple small quotes
  4. Novel
  5. Song lyrics
  6. Letters
  7. Free writing

How shall I start?

Writing is an uncomplicated and no-frills activity, yet we are confused, afraid, or not confident to begin writing. Do not worry! Here are some tips you can follow to start and improve your writing.

1. Find a concept.

One of the most critical steps to starting writing is to find a topic. It would be best if you have a main revolving idea so that you can develop around it. I can say that finding topics is easy and difficult at the same time. Sometimes the idea appears effortlessly, as easy as blinking, but some other times it goes so far away that it is hard to find. To prevent this, make sure you take a note right after it evolves and just before it vanishes 

2. Decide where to write

An idea will not be delivered pleasingly if it just keeps sitting in your mind. Therefore it is necessary to write down initially by determining the finest media for writing. In today’s digital era, you can easily use your personal phone, iPad or social media channels as your writing tools. You can create a blog if you want your writing to be recorded properly or even if you want people out there to read and be supported by your writing. 

3. Write like there is infinite ink

There are no finest ways to write than to write often. Practice makes perfect. Spend your time writing every single day. Just keep writing as much as you can, even if you opine that your work is not exemplary. All your feelings and thoughts are valid and need to be expressed through writing. Finally, do not worry about its quality; there is no marking for it.

If I would have ever questioned myself whether I could write or not, you would not be reading this article in here today, and I would not have spoken to you like this :) There you go, buddies, write your heart out and hear yourself; if you wish, make me hear what you write. What do you think about it? Start your writing journey by putting out your thoughts in the comment section below.

I recommend the following reads:


~ Yours Khikmatus Shoumi

Banner Image Credits -  Gokulan

Fact file

Halodoc - 4 Benefits of Writing a Diary (Translate it to English using Google Translate)

Writing as a Therapy : Siti Rubaidah (Chairman of the Children's Love Forum and observer of social issues)

Sehatq - The Benefits of Journal Writing Therapy for Those of You Who Have Experienced Trauma


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  1. Very informative article

  2. Amazing word done... Good to see such articles provides positive vibes to us who are facing problem

  3. Karuna Kriti Sinha1 April 2023 at 09:53

    Best article for removing out stress in life . I will surely apply the tricks and tips


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