8 ways to Celebrate Earth Day from home

8 ways to Celebrate Earth Day from home

 Most of you are aware that every year on 22nd of April we observe Earth Day. This year will be the 51st anniversary of Earth Day. Let us dive in and know more about it. 

Earth Day - When & Why

It was in the year 1970 observance of Earth Day first started. This infamous event was conducted by two social activists from San Francisco, John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. They asked all Americans to join in a grassroots level exhibition where they demonstrated issues and effects of air pollution, drinking  contaminated water, effects of pesticides etc. Later on, over 20 million Americans that is around 10% of the world's population ventured outdoors and protested together. Social activist John McConnell chose March 20 as the day to celebrate Earth Day but president Richard Nixon chose April 22 and this ended up becoming the official celebration of Earth Day. He also led the nation by creating the Environmental Protection Agency, which followed successful laws including the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

Earth day Works

Team Lifenatphil believes in caring for mother earth for our own health and well-being. Here we are, to share a few ideas that give you an insight as to how you can celebrate Earth Day from home and do your part to safeguard our planet Earth. These are not only ideas; these are great habits that we need to start practicing from today.

What to do on Earth Day

Below are the 8 ways in which you can do, to put your efforts towards the better future of our planet Earth starting from the Earth Day. Take a pledge to do them regularly. #RestoreOurEarth

1. Clean up your Locality

One of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day is cleaning up. Get out with a trash bag and clean up your neighborhood and local park. Gather plastics wherever you see and hand them over to a recycling plant.Plastic Waste

2. Tune to Earth Day Live

Due to the ongoing pandemic this year, Earth Day won’t be celebrated in person. This year we will see the event digitally. Stay tuned to Earth Day LIVE. This is going to be a three day’s live stream of teachings, musical performances and panel discussion. The topic of panel discussion will be “Climate change”. The event will also focus on experiences of front-line communities, devoted to divestment from fossil fuel and voter mobilization. To participate in LIVE - Click Here

3. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - 4R formula for success

One of the best ways to connect with Earth is being less wasteful on resources and saving money. According to a recent study, every year each country produces more than 500 billion plastic wastage every year. And just not only the production alone for those requires about 12 million barrels of oil. Needless to mention, they take up lots of space in landfills and cause problems for marine wildlife.The new 4R formula should be used by everyone of us. It is Refuse, first refuse to use plastic, then Reduce, reduce the plastic you use to the minimum possible, Reuse, we should re-use the old plastic, instead of throwing away for a single use and finally the recycle.

Recycle logo. 4R formula

So instead of using those plastic bags, use reusable bags while going to the grocery store. There are many online stores that sell stylish and eco-friendly bags. Not only that, to reduce plastic use you can use reusable water bottles since tossing plastic water bottles in the dustbin means they are hurting our environment.

Eco friendly bags

4. Plant more Trees

We all know about the benefits of planting trees. Needless to explain, trees cool down the overheated place, capture carbon, benefit agriculture, support pollinators, reduce the risk of disease transmission etc. Take a little initiative with your family to plant in your backyard or in any nearby open space.

Plant in hand with soil

Another option is planting fruits and vegetable plants in the garden for your own use. This will help in reducing the amount of fossil fuel emissions by not having to transport the food to stores and you can be assured of the quality as it is you who grew those plants.

5. Shop Smart

So, these days a trendy craze is buying stuff online. Mostly, clothes. While shopping keep certain things in mind like buying clothes which are eco-friendly as with any sort of material. Online E-commerce stores such as thredUP, does not use something which harms Earth because it doesn’t involve new resources.

6. Shop from local farmer's market

To reduce your carbon footprint, and also to help the farmers buy fruits and veggies at your local stores. Also support small businesses in your area because food in the grocery travels an average of 1,500 miles to get to you, and all that shipping can cause pollution plus an increase of fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

7. Conserve Water

More or less we all are aware of the scarcity of water today. Saving water is also a relevant activity that we should be adding to celebrate Earth Day. Avoid over-watering plants and gardens. Over-watering plants can also cause fungal disease and erode the fertile layer of the soil. Store rainwater using rainwater harvesting methods such as from a roof, gutters etc. If you have a low-lying area, utilize that area by planting a rain garden, which will help in capturing runoff, filters out pollutants and provides food and shelter for butterflies, birds and other animals.

Save Water. Water from Water tap

8.Get the Kids involved

As a responsible generation, we should pass the love for nature and our mother earth towards our next generation. Involve the kids in Earth Day celebration activities like tree plantation, poster making, joining in rallies, making aware of them how small things can make a huge impact etc.

Kid with painted hands

These things aren’t only for celebrating your Earth Day. These are habits that they need to get into them.

You can read our blog on Why care about the Environment | 10 Reasons why Environment is a Friend of us - Click Here

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